You want to help your kids know and love Christ and His Church.
You want to make sure they understand their Catholic Faith.
You want to introduce them to God in a personal way that will transform their lives.
I’m Olivia, a wife and homeschooling mom of four making our home in Kentucky.
I graduated from the Franciscan University of Steubenville with degrees in theology and catechetics and have worked in those fields for over a decade.
Into the Deep swelled from the desire to teach my kids the Catholic Faith in a way that would compel their hearts toward Christ.
We have served thousands of families that want the same.
We aim to support your role as primary catechist of your children by creating beautiful, easy-to-use, and thorough resources.
We take our inspiration from the Charlotte Mason and classical educational philosophies, which mirror how the Church has catechized throughout the ages.
We catechize through sacred art, music, poetry, nature study, and narrative.
We encourage meaningful memorization, personal prayer, and a sacramental life.
Our ultimate goal is to offer our children an opportunity to encounter the Person of Jesus Christ, the One Who will change their lives.
You have a lot to juggle, so our resources are open-and-go, meaning there is little to no preparation required.
We have our own share of boisterous kids, so we understand the need for sturdy materials. Ours can take a beating.
The kind of fishing you and I are doing in our homes? It’s hidden, too. (Which is great, because there’s always a pile of clean laundry on my couch waiting to be folded 😉 Turns out I’d rather be stirring risotto, reading Isaiah, or soaking in a hot Epsom salt bath.)
In all seriousness, the work of making disciples is not for the faint of heart. It requires an upstream swim and a downfalling on our knees. There are no guarantees—we walk by faith.
But there’s comfort in knowing that we are each tending to our own boat, side-by-side on the water.
I've kept you long enough now, like a good southern goodbye. Be sure to check out the shop on your way out, and come hang out any time!