Affiliate Disclosure Policy
Last Updated: February 15, 2025
Into the Deep may include affiliate links in our content. This means that when you click on certain links and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.
Why Do We Use Affiliate Links?
Affiliate links help support the cost of running this site, allowing us to continue providing high-quality content and products. We only promote products or services that we have personally used and that we genuinely believe in and think will be valuable to our community.
Transparency & Integrity
We prioritize transparency and honesty. Our opinions and recommendations are always our own, regardless of any affiliate relationships. If we receive free products or sponsorships, we will clearly disclose that information within the content.
How Affiliate Links Work
When you click on an affiliate link, a tracking cookie is placed in your browser, allowing the merchant to credit us with a commission if you make a qualifying purchase. These cookies typically last for a limited period (e.g., 24 hours to 30 days), depending on the affiliate program's policies.
Amazon Associates & Other Programs
As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Additionally, we participate in various other affiliate programs, and commissions may be earned from purchases made through those links.
Your Support Matters!
By using our affiliate links, you help us continue creating catechetical resources for your family. If you have any questions about our affiliate disclosure, feel free to contact us at
Thank you for your support!