We are beyond excited to be casting our nets alongside you as we labor to build a legacy of faith in our homes.
Thanks for letting us tag along—we know you take seriously your role as primary educator and we're honored to be a resource you use.
We are working hard over here to get your book into your hands! While you wait, I wanted to show you around a bit.
First, hang onto this email as it has information you'll likely want to return to in the course of your voyage.
If you have questions along the way, we're always ready with a smile and solution!
Since your child will likely be completing this resource independently, we made a free parent guide for you. In this guide, each Presentation is summarized for you. We also offer a couple of discussion questions to engage your child.
Finally, we always want to leave you in charge of the important conversations that require more nuance with your children. So in this guide, you will find details of conversations that may arise from certain Presentations (such as abortion, gender identity, death and suffering, etc.). We offer supportive direction for discussing these matters that you may use according to your wisdom and discernment.
We hope this helps!
Throughout Level Three, your student will be prompted to record thoughts, prayers, and particularly narrations.
Written narrations will help your child with retention and sharpen the skill of "telling people the whole message about this life" (Acts 5:20).
These narrations will also serve as a way for you to monitor their comprehension.
For these narrations, the child will need some sort of notebook. It can be as simple or intricate as you wish!
Throughout Level Three, we recommend beautiful, living picture books and chapter books to accompany each Presentation. These are totally optional, but are a beautiful way to extend the message or story from that Presentation.
If you want to get a jump on scouring your library, local Catholic or indie bookstore, or the interwebs for these gems, you can download the full booklist:
We compiled all the music your child will be prompted to listen to throughout Level Three into a Spotify playlist. We want to make your job a little easier, so you can start jamming (er, praying) here:
Thanks again for allowing us to accompany you in your mission. Know that our family prays for yours each day.
Can't wait to cast nets with you!
P.S. Sometimes people just don't get why you do what you do. But we totally do. If you need some encouragement and education as you do this hidden work, follow us on Instagram. We're your people.
If you have any questions at all, email us at hello@intothedeep.co
We are so happy to help!