“La Unidad de Estudio de La Misa de Into the Deep es una herramienta fundamental que no debe faltar en el hogar católico, pues explica la Santa Misa de manera sencilla pero completa y brinda a los padres la guía necesaria para facilitar a sus hijos la comprensión del sentido de cada una de sus partes.
La Celebración Eucarística está al centro de la vida de todo católico, por tanto, conocer y comprender su trascendencia, aprender a valorarla, a disfrutarla e incluso a necesitarla, es clave en la catequesis.
Quién mejor que papá y mamá para formar los corazones de los hijos en este sentido espiritual dentro del seno familiar, iglesia doméstica.
Into the Deep nos facilita a los padres esa importante labor mediante sus recursos didácticos. ¡Es una bendición contar con este tipo de apoyo!”
-Fernanda Kane, Catholic wife and Homeschool Mom, Family and Gifted and Talented Counselor, Personalized and Family Centered Education Advisor
“Once I started reading the Mass Unit Study I could not stop, I have to keep reading it until the last page.
I found so much greatness on it, so much value. This is a powerful tool for families!
I like how the Unit serves as a guide as it is written as a movie script where the parents talk about the Mass as they would do it during a family conversation.
I think this would be very useful for parishes and schools, but the most loving and meaningful way to pass the faith to our children is through the family and this book they help us to do it.
The illustrations are beautiful, the activities and the quality of its design too, but the best thing are the references they use, very helpful!
I went to Catholic School and I did not learn the faith this way, this is so beautiful, yet the contents are not watered down.
Once I finished reading The Mass Unit I thought about my two daughters, I would love to read it with them as a family. It would be awesome that this resource reaches more families because God’s Love is so immense that it is hard to grasp with our human intellect… This is an amazing tool that can help us to connect the divine with the human and above all, to give Jesus in the Holy Eucharist the place He deserves”
-Marysol Flores, Neuro educator, author, TEDx speaker, PHD in Human Development.