Catholic Picture Books for February

It’s still cold outside, with a few warm days popping up to remind us spring will come again. February features feast days such as Our Lady of Lourdes, Saint Scholastica and Saint Valentine. Cuddle close with these Catholic picture books for February!
Catholic Picture Books for February
The Holy Twins: Benedict and Scholastica by Kathleen Norris and Tomie dePaola
Benedict and Scholastica were saintly twins who grew up in Northern Italy. Read their story in this delightful book illustrated by Tomie dePaola.
Seven Clues: A Catholic Treasure Hunt by Scott Hahn and Maura Roan McKeegan
Fresh from the press, Scott Hahn pairs with author Maura McKeegan to write Seven Clues. The story follows three siblings who find a package on their front porch. In this package, there is a scroll with seven clues. Will Peter, Julia, and James solve the mystery? This is a great read in preparation for Sacraments season!
My Golden Book of Mary by Rev. Thomas J.Donaghy
My Golden Book of Mary introduces young readers to Mary’s appearances in Lourdes, Guadalupe, and Fatima.
Listening For God: Silence Practice for Little Ones by Katie Warner
This book tells the story of the prophet Elijah and helps little ones to understand why silence is vital in order to hear the voice of God.
Jesus, Were You Little? by Sally Metzger
What was Jesus like He was little? Jesus, Were You Little? shows a curious child, eager to learn more about the Lord.
The Wordless Weaver by Claudia Cangilla McAdam
A fictional tale about the weaver of Jesus’ burial shroud, young Shira wishes she could sing the praises of the Lord, but sadly is mute. Watch Shira overcome her obstacles and walk in the way of the Lord.
This I Know: Seeing God in the World He Made by Clay Anderson
God is everywhere. In the night sky, the earth, the breeze. An engaging rhyming book based on Jesus Loves Me. An enchanting read to encourage you toward spring!
The Good Samaritan (and Other Parables) by Tomie dePaola
This book features tried and true parables, such as The Mustard, Seed, the Prodigal Son, and the Good Samaritan.
The Miracles of Jesus by Tomie dePaola
Tomie dePaola chronicles twelve miracles from the Bible in The Miracles of Jesus, such as the wedding at Cana and the calming of the sea. Beautiful to reflect upon in the beginning of the Lenten season.
The Donkey Who Carried a King by R.C. Sproul
Reilly is a boy who is picked last in a game, thus making him feel unimportant. Later, his grandpa tells him a story about two donkeys who carried Jesus on two different instances, in Bethlehem and Palm Sunday. Read how Reilly’s grandpa shows him that everyone’s role is important, no matter how small.
Saint Valentine by Robert Sabuda
How did Valentine’s day originate? This story shows us a holy physician who’s faith helps heal a blind girl.
This is the Church by Katie Warner
Written by children’s author Katie Warner, This is the Church emphasizes God's love... perfect for the "month of love." This book will entertain your kiddos with the colorful stain glass art while diving deeper into the Catholic Faith.
Brigid's Cloak by Bryce Milligan
This book recounts the tale of one of Ireland's most beloved saints.
Caedmon's Song by Ruth Ashby
Long ago when very few people could read or write, people exchanged stories through song. But every time it's Caedmon's turn to sing and play the harp, his mouth dries and no words come to mind. But one night, everything changed.
The Saint and his Bees by Dessi Johnson
Based on the life of Saint Modomnoc, this book tells of an unlikely friendship.
Saint Valentine by Ann Tompert
Little is known about the nebulous Saint Valentine. We know he was a priest during a trying time during the reign of Claudius II. But the rest is legend. Ann Tompert crafts a beautifully written tale, blending the aspects of the life and legend we know as Saint Valentine.
The Life of Saint Brigid: Abbess of Kildare by Jane G. Meyer
Saint Brigid was a selfless girl who gave anything and everything to beggars. Later in life, Brigid became abbess of Kildare and continued to love and help the poor.
We Have a Pope by Katherine Bogner
We Have a Pope is a wonderful way to introduce children to the Vatican and the Papacy!
What are your Favorite Catholic Picture Books for February? Drop them in the comments below!
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