Helping Children Organize Their Day

My older two children are getting, well, a bit older.
This school year, one of my intentional goals is to help them become more independent in ensuring their daily tasks are complete.
The tool I'm using to help do that is this Catholic planner for kids. (It's on sale BTW)
My liturgical-year loving son and my pretty-stationary loving daughter have both eagerly embraced this format. Although, I am certain, their enthusiasm will fade once the pages are filled with actual *gasps* work.
But no matter. I'm relishing their cooperation right now. My hope is that, even when the sparkle fades, this will help them cultivate the habits of attention, organization, and self-motivation.
For each day, I plan on listing their individual daily school work and chores (I'll likely do this the evening before). For example:
- Pray
- Bed, clothes, teeth, hair
- Feed the cat
- Math
- Phonics
- Read for 30 minutes
- Copywork
- Practice instrument
- Tidy toys
They can keep this running list close by throughout the day, hopefully relieving the many "Mom, what do I need to do next?" questions.
I will check in throughout the day to ensure they've completed everything necessary.
This will also help them learn time management and to be a self-starter (super helpful when our life involves many interruptions due to little ones).
They will love the feast days and liturgical colors listed each day. They're enjoying learning about new Saints, so the monthly space for that will be great.
I'm excited about fostering these habits that they'll need their whole lifelong.
I'm grateful for a beautiful Catholic student planner to help them do that.
Mostly, I'm looking forward to them learning how everything about their days—education, work, fun, and rest—are under the care of the Father and lived in rhythm with Holy Mother Church.
What habit(s) are you hoping to cultivate in your children this school year? Let me know in the comments so I can cheer you on!
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