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How to Be Happy as a Mom

How to Be Happy as a Mom

I have thought a lot about happiness lately. What it is. What it isn't. How the world and the enemy make me "empty promises" to that end and how I quickly find those to be contrary to my intended End.

You probably think about happiness frequently, too.

We want to be happy as a mom. We want our family to be happy. This is natural and good (more on that below).

And yet we know that, in this valley of tears, Christian happiness dwells deeper as a supernatural joy that isn't contingent upon natural occurrences.

As hard as this reality is to understand and live ourselves, it can be even harder when this question of happiness is hurled at us by inquisitive firstborns, stretching teenagers, or searching adult children.

What is Real Happiness?

We are all aware of the world's confusion about happiness. Our culture wanes between the extremes of complete despair and a ravenous search for happiness. The former often wander into a "sophisticated" nihilism the latter into the clutches of achievement or addiction. 

I can empathize with both.

The latter, at least, stay in the search. Like prodigals gorging with the pigs (again, I count myself among them), they haven't hardened themselves completely against the search for happiness.

They haven't completely shut out God. Because the natural desire for happiness, according to the Church, is written on every human heart. 

So yes, we were made to be happy. God created us with this longing. Ever generous, He does not create a divert desire without intending to fill it. 

Saint Augustine emphasized where we will find the peace of heart that leads to happiness despite circumstances:

True happiness is to rejoice in the truth, for to rejoice in the truth is to rejoice in You, O God, who are the truth… Those who think that there is another kind of happiness look for joy elsewhere, but theirs is not true joy.

To be happy—truly happy—is to rejoice in the Truth, Who is God. It is to live not as prodigals but as beloved children in the house of the Father.

Of course, our eternal happiness will ultimately be found in His house of Heaven, where we will behold Him face-to-face. All true happiness here below is a both foretaste and a directive.

The Role of Mothers in Our Children’s Happiness

How can we, then, as mothers who are in the same pursuit of happiness as our children, point them to the One Who will fulfill that desire? 

There are many worthy answers. But we can start with the simplest:

We can model this kind of supernatural happiness. We can be joyful.

We can pray for our children, that the internal compass of their souls always directs them home to Him.

We can introduce them to the Source of happiness Himself and let them hear His words in the Gospels. After all, Jesus gave His response to this natural desire for happiness in the Beatitudes.

We can encourage our children to neither despair nor indulge, but to steadily draw water joyful from the springs of salvation.

While at university, I often went to a certain holy priest for Confession. My penance was often to pray for "the health, happiness, and holiness" of those in my life (especially those I offended or struggled with). It's beautiful and natural to long for happiness. Neither we nor our children are in the wrong to seek it.

Blessedly, we know from Whom that happiness comes. When we seek first His Kingdom and righteousness, we will receive that and much more.

How do you kindle your real happiness as a mom each day?


Ready to dive deeper? 

Here are 4 ways to fill your nets... 

📖 1. Memorize Bible verses with your children easily with our FREE guide: Stocking the Storehouses
🥖 2. Make your dreams of family prayer a reality with The Daily Feast framework, making it possible in just a few minutes a day. This free guide shows you how.
🕯️ 3. Want to steward your own prayer life? Check out this Scripture prayer journal we made just for you.
✏️ 4. Looking to level-up in your family faith formation? Join over 10,000 families that use our resources. We make open-and-go, family-style resources to make your role as primary catechist easy AND delightful. Click here to browse!



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