Catholic Picture Books for June

It’s that time of year when we begin to break out the sunscreen, sprinklers, and popsicles. We’ve wrapped up our school year and every child is ready for days by the pool. June has many wonderful liturgical occasions and feasts days to celebrate through the summer heat.
Catholic Picture Books for June
June has a number of liturgical feasts, the most notable being the feast of Corpus Christi, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This month also features the feast day of Saint Antony of Padua!
Grab a glass of lemonade and head outside with these Catholic picture books for June!
The Miracle of the Bread, the Fish, and the Boy by Anthony DeStefano
This book features the boy who brings the basket of loaves and fishes to Jesus, a wonderful foreshadowing of the Eucharist.
Take it to the Queen by Josephine Nobisso
A touching allegorical representation of Mary, this book demonstrates how we can always "take it to the Queen," our intercessor.
This is the Church by Katie Warner
Focused on the history of our Church paired with delightful illustrations, This is the Church is a wonder to all who read it.
Anthony of Padua: Wonder Worker by Barbra Yoffie
Anthony of Padua gives us a brief but beautiful narration on the life of Saint Anthony and his journey to becoming a friar.
Building the Way to Heaven by Maura Roan McKeegan
This book recounts two powerful stories from the Bible: the Tower of Babel and Pentecost. The author masterfully weaves the typology together, bringing their significance to life.
The Miracles of Jesus by Tomie dePaola
The Miracles of Jesus, written by beloved children's author Tomie dePaola, retells twelve of Jesus' miracles.
The Weight of a Mass by Josephine Nobisso
This beautiful story shows us just how valuable and necessary the Mass is to us as children of God. A perfect read as we celebrate the feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus!
Heavenly Hosts: Eucharistic Miracles for Kids by Kathryn Griffin Swegart
Heavenly Hosts is another perfect book for the feast of Corpus Christi! This book includes the stories of Fatima and Saint Germaine.
"E" is for Eucharist: A Catholic ABC by Claudia Cangilla McAdam
Perfect for all little Catholic kiddos out there, "E" is for Eucharist" goes through the alphabet with each letter standing for something within the Catholic Church.
The Blackbird's Nest: Saint Kevin of Ireland by Jenny Schroedel
Saint Kevin was an unusual boy who loved animals. But when playing with other children he was a bully. One day, he learned a valuable lesson from a blackbird.
The Snail and the King by Fr. Peregrine Fletcher
Written by Fr. Peregrine Fletcher, this book is the perfect tale of perseverance. When all animals are asked to visit the King's castle, a determined little snail sets out on the long journey to the castle!
Want more like this? Check out our post on Catholic Picture Books for May!
What are your favorite Catholic picture books for June? Share your faves below!
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