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Catholic Picture Books for November

Catholic Picture Books for November

November begins with the Solemnity of All Saints. The air is chilly, puffer coats are on the horizon, and soup becomes a staple meal in our diets. This is the perfect time of year to curl up with a blanket and a picture book! And November holds possibilities for many lovely Catholic picture books.


Stories of Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage by Carey Wallace

Meet the Saints in this beautifully illustrated children’s book! Featuring seventy Saints, each page is complete with a portrait of the Saint accompanied by facts such as patronage and feast day.


Martin De Porres: The Rose in the Desert by Gary D. Schmidt

Born to a noble father and a servant mother, Martin De Porres grew up poor. In his later years, his mother wished him to become a priest, but instead was accepted as a servant boy. But when the servant boy began performing miracles, the priests had to think twice about holding him back from becoming a priest.


Roses in the Snow: A Tale of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary by Dessi Jackson

Elizabeth is a little girl who loves stories, especially her grandmother’s stories. Listen as Elizabeth’s grandmother tells her the story of her namesake, Elizabeth of Hungary.


Saint Catherine and the Ring by S.V. Sbiera

A princess in Egypt, Catherine of Alexandria was beautiful and a noted scholar. She converted at a young age and died a martyr in the fourth century.


Mary, the Mother of Jesus by Tomie dePaola

This book features fifteen different stories about Our Lady’s life, from her childhood to Crowning in Heaven.


The Miracle of the Bread, the Fish, and the Boy by Anthony DeStephano

Written by beloved children’s author Anthony DeStephano, this book follows a young boy’s encounter with Jesus.


Our Lady’s Picture Book by Anthony DeStephano

A sequel to the book, Our Lady’s Wardrobe, this picture book walks us through and explains the different titles of the Blessed Virgin.


The Holy Spirit (Board Book) by Devon Provencher

Written Devon Provencher and illustrated by his wife, Jessica Provencher, this board book is one of many that talks about religious topics, such as The Gospel and Creation. 


This I Know: Seeing God in the World He Made by Clay Anderson

This I Know marvels at the glory of God and his wonderful creations. Autumn is a season of bountiful beauty in creation!


I’m a Saint in the Making by Lisa M. Hendey

Saint in the Making highlights different modern Saints such as Mother Teresa and JPII. It shows us that there are many different ways to become a Saint of Christ.


Father Phillip Tells a Ghost Story: A Story of Divine Mercy by Susan A. Brindle 

Father Phillip sits the children down and decides to tell them a story. They are excited about Halloween and want to hear a ghost story. Instead, he decides to tell them about the lives of saints and the Holy Souls. 


Saint Martin De Porres and the Mice by Eva K. Betz 

Saint Martin was a man with a beautiful soul. He looked after animals, children, and the sick with selfless devotion. 


Martin's Mice by Sister Mary Margurite 

Saint Martin de Porres was a gentle man. He was a Peruvian friar who cared for the poor and sick, as well as animals. 


What are your favorite Catholic Picture Books for November? Drop them in the comments below! 



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