Catholic Picture Books for March

With spring creeping close and Lent beginning, March features feast days such as Saints Perpetua and Felicity, Saint Katharine Drexel, and Saint Patrick. Lent is a great season to slow down and turn our hearts and minds toward the Lord.
Reading picture books as a family is a great way to do that.
Catholic Picture Books for March
Patrick: Patron Saint of Ireland by Tomie dePaola
Written by beloved children's author Tomie dePaola, this book chronicles the life and adventures of Saint Patrick.
Celebrating Lent by Reverend Jude Winkler
Celebrating Lent covers the topic of Lent for young children and explains the meaning of Lent. A great weekly read to remind everyone why we do what we do during this season.
Saint Katharine Drexel: The Total Gift by Susan Helen Wallace
This touching biography details the life of Saint Katharine Drexel and her journey as she starts a new religious order: the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament.
Girl Saints for Little Ones by Kimberly Fries
While we could not find any picture books solely highlighting Saints Perpetua and Felicity, this book honors some lesser known female saints. (This is volume two of a series).
Boy Saints for Little Ones by Kimberly Fries
We can’t leave out the boys! Also written by Kimberly Fries, Boy Saints for Little Ones gives summaries of multiple Saints.
The Good Samaritan and Other Parables by Tomie dePaola
Lent is the perfect time to reflect on and read some parables. This book included parables such as the Mustard Seed and the Prodigal Son.
Take Up Your Cross: Lenten Bible Stories for Kids by Jared Dees
This book takes you through Lent with multiple Bible stories, as well as passages for Holy Week.
Portrait of a Son: A Tale of Love by Josephine Nobisso
Written with her trademark alligorical references, Josephine Nobisso spins a story about to caring, gentle parents raising their son. A beautiful look at sacrificial love during Lent.
In This Catholic Church by Maura Roan McKeegan
In This Catholic Church takes us through the Mass with beautiful illustrations—your child will be enthralled. Lent is a wonderful time to reflect on the Mystery of the Eucharist as we approach Holy Thursday.
Saint Ciaran: The Tale of a Saint of Ireland by Gary D. Schmidt
Before Christianity had come to Ireland, Saint Ciaran deeply loved God and nature. This book follows Saint Ciaran traveling from Ireland to Rome and back again to Ireland to live a hermit life with his animals.
Patrick: Saint of Ireland by Joyce Denham
This book highlights the life of Saint Patrick and follows him through his journey from slave to saint.
The Life of Saint Patrick: Enlightener of the Irish by Zachary Lynch
Far from the fictionalized tale, The Life of Saint Patrick addresses his captivity, slavery, and later release, as well as his journey to becoming a bishop.
What are your favorite Catholic picture books for March? Drop them in the comments!
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