Catholic Picture Books for May

The ground is finally thawing, springtime blooms are emerging, we are firmly in the Easter season, and our schedules overflow with joyful events and celebrations. May is a unique month on our calendar and it's a month abundant in feasts and celebrations in our Church.
Catholic Picture Books for May
May is a month dedicated to Our Lady. It's also a month in which many children receive their First Communion. So warm up those library cards and get those baskets ready because Catholic picture books for May are beautiful!
Mary by Brian Wildsmith
This book by beloved author Brian Wildsmith chronicles the life of Our Lady from her Immaculate Conception to her glorious Assumption.
The Life of Mary by Inos Biffi
In The Life of Mary, Biffi walks us through the life of Mary accompanied by gorgeous illustrations that bring each event to life.
Mary, Mother of Jesus by Tomie de Paola
In classic de Paola wit and illustration, this book introduces us to the life of the Mother of God.
A Garden for Mary by Neena Gaynor
Both adults and children will delight in this discovery of various botanicals that represent the mysteries of Mary's life and how she points us to Jesus.
Our Lady's Wardrobe by Anthony DeStafano
To help us learn about Our Lady, DeStafano walks us through her different "outfits" as she has lived and appeared throughout the centuries. This book is perfect for the month in which we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Fatima!
Jesus Speaks to Me on My First Holy Communion by Angela M. Burrin
This Scripturally-based picture book is a great way to prepare children to receive First Communion and to celebrate the magnitude of that day.
Receiving Jesus for Little Ones by Kimberly Fries
We love bringing this picture book to Mass to help our Eucharist-recipients prepare their hearts to receive Holy Communion.
The Gift of the Mass for Little Ones by Kimberly Fries
Another perfect companion for Mass, this book explores the Mystery of the celebration. The illustrations help engage the child's mind in what is happening before them.
Saint Felix and the Spider by Dessi Jackson
A little spider has no home but takes shelter in a cold, lonely place. But one day, she is joined by a friend.
What are your favorite Catholic picture books for May? Drop the titles in the comments below!
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