Our Favorite Liturgical Living Resources

If you want to match the rhythm of your home to the rhythm of the Church year, liturgical living resources make that task much easier. There are many great liturgical living books out there, but how to choose from the masses? I often quip that crafting is not my charism, and liturgical living is a place in which I'm grateful for extra hand-holding. So today, we will share some of our favorite liturgical living resources for you and your family. These books are an absolute treasure trove and should be included not only in your school day, but day-to-day life!
Why Liturgical Living Matters in Catechesis
Liturgical living is an indispensable part of catechesis, for in following the feasts and fasts of the Church, we display that this life with Christ is lived in communion and order. We receive inspiration from the Saints, the grace of indulgences, and the enjoyment of the mysteries of the life of Christ. Liturgical living emphasizes that which we seek to hand on through formal and liturgical catechesis.
“Christian parents must strive to follow and repeat, within the setting of family life, the more methodical teaching received elsewhere. The fact that these truths about the main questions of faith and Christian living are thus repeated within a family setting impregnated with love and respect will often make it possible to influence the children in a decisive way for life. The parents themselves profit from the effort that this demands of them, for in a catechetical dialogue of this sort each individual both receives and gives” (Catechesi Tradendae 68).
It’s something we hope to instill in our children from a young age, and is a task especially entrusted to parents in the context of the home.
“Family catechesis therefore precedes, accompanies and enriches all other forms of catechesis. Furthermore, in places where anti-religious legislation endeavors even to prevent education in the faith, and in places where widespread unbelief or invasive secularism makes real religious growth practically impossible, "the church of the home" remains the one place where children and young people can receive an authentic catechesis”. (Catechesi Tradendae 68).
Our Favorite Liturgical Living Resources
So where to begin? What if you're new to liturgical living, or what you've seen so far feels overwhelming and impractical? We are big fans of simple yet profound liturgical living, and we have a few favorite resources that help us achieve just that.
The Lazy Liturgical
I rely on Jenna so much! The Lazy Liturgical is open-and-go liturgical living and doesn't require a lot of preparation (what I need in this season!). Check out her entire shop, which provides a number of amazing liturgical products, such as different liturgical living calendars, activity sheets for kiddos, and much more!
Catholic All Year Book + Prayer Compendium by Kendra Tierney
Catholic All Year is a great book that helps you incorporate the Catholic Faith into your day-to-day life. Written beautifully by the liturgical living queen, Kendra Tierney, this book will delight you and your family. I especially love the Prayer Compendium and enjoy using it during our Morning Time.
Around the Year with the Von Trapp Family by Maria Von Trapp
Beautifully written by Maria Von Trapp, (The Sound of Music, anyone?) this book walks you through all the wonderful traditions the Austrian family incorporated into their family life. It's a lovely, inspiring read that will offer you a few takeaway traditions for the main feasts of the Church.
Through the Year with Jesus by Katherine Bogner
Written by Katherine Bogner, Through the Year with Jesus is a great around the year liturgical book that includes lectio divina for kids, sacred art, weekly reads, and much more!
Through the Year with Mary by Katherine Bogner
Also written by Katherine Bogner, this book features Marian prayers, weekly scripture passages, and Sacred Scripture.
Saints and Feast Days: A Resource and Activity Book by the Sisters of Notre Dame of Chardon Ohio
With over two-hundred Saint biographies, Saints and Feast Days walks you through the feast days of the Saints throughout the year! Each saint biography included suggested activities for the kiddos. I can't stress how much we have enjoyed this book. It is open-and-go, low pressure, engaging in its storytelling, and evangelistic in its presentation.
Begin Small, Let the Lord Lead
Perhaps choose one of the above resources to get started. Choose just one feast day a week to celebrate somehow. This is a marathon, not a sprint! Pretty soon, year after year, you'll find that your family will establish your own liturgical living traditions. Your children will come to joyfully expect certain celebrations, and you can add more as those become more cemented into your family's foundation.
Something as simple as beginning with one of these books can help lay out the foundation of your child's Faith. We bet you and your family will love this meaningful way to dive deeper into the Catholic Faith.
What are some of your favorite liturgical living resources! Let's share ideas in the comments below!
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